ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest Schedule App

  • Purpose ICPC contestants can easily locate their contest room, dormitory, and entertainment facilities through the information provided by the mobile app
  • Date 7th Oct 2022
  • Fund Voluntary work
  • Thanks World ICPC Organizer, Regional Organizer, BUBT, Contestants, Volunteer

Objective:  ICPC contestants can easily locate their contest room, dormitory, and entertainment facilities through the information provided by the mobile app.

Key features:

 This mobile app includes all the necessary information for contestants. This app typically contains a schedule of events, including the location and time of the contest room assignments. It may also provide details about the dormitory accommodations, such as the building, room numbers, and any other relevant instructions.

Furthermore, the mobile app can include information about nearby entertainment facilities, such as restaurants, cafes, recreational areas, or points of interest. This allows contestants to easily find places to relax, socialize, or explore during their free time.

The app may offer maps or directions to help contestants navigate between different locations. It’s essential for contestants to keep their mobile devices handy and consult the app regularly for updates and any changes in the provided information.

However, it’s worth noting that the specific details and features of the mobile app can vary from one ICPC contest to another, so contestants should always follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the contest organizers.